May 3, 1996 - October 26, 2009
May 3, 1996 - October 26, 2009
"I lost a special friend today
the kind you can't replace,
and looking at his empty bed
I still can see his face.
I know he's in a special place
our Lord has for such friends,
Where meadows, lakes & flowers
help make them strong and whole again.
I know he's watching over me
He'll be with me when I cry,
So with one more kiss on his beloved head
I told my friend goodbye."
Today I said good-bye to the best dog I've ever had...and ever will. Tobias Oliver Jared was released from his life here on earth, to rest in peace and in our memories.
My Dearest Toby,
I love you with all of my heart...you were my first "baby". I'll never forget holding your 2-week body in my hand and telling the breeder, "this is the one"! From day one you had an independent streak that told me we were a perfect pair. And we were. I hold tight to the days when we ran together, hiked the California trails, swam at Chatfield dog park, and played in the neighborhood park...chasing your beloved tennis balls with everything you had. And boy you loved to swim! You could sniff out water a mile away and I was often found running after you, frantically calling your name while you ignored me and bolted for the beach. You saw me through a lot of changes in 13 years. You accepted Tom when I got married and you (begrudgingly) put up with two kids climbing all over you. You were a trooper! But now, now you are no longer imprisoned by a body that is in pain. You are free...free to run, free to swim, free to lay in the sun. That said, I miss you more than you can possibly know.
Thanks for memories, friend. I'll forever cherish them.